701. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is directly proportional to molality if the solution is________________?
A. concentrated
B. dilute
C. saturated solution
D. all of the above

702. If electricity is passed through CuSO4 solution by using Pt electrode then which of the following possible change occurs ?
A. H2 is deposited at cathode
B. Colour of the solution becomes fade
C. Cu is deposited at anode
D. All are possible

703. Which has maximum oxidation number ?
A. N
B. Cr
C. S
D. Mn

704. In an electrolytic cell current flows ?
A. From cathode to anode in outer circuit
B. From anode to cathode outside the cell
C. From cathode to anode inside the cell
D. both B & C

705. In a galvanic cell________________?
A. Chemical energy is converted into electricity
B. Chemical energy is converted into heat
C. Electrical energy is converted into chemical energy
D. Electrical energy is converted into heat

706. Molten NaCl conducts electricity due to the presence of_______________?
A. Free electrons
B. Free molecules
C. Free ions
D. Atoms of Na and Cl

707. Electricity in voltaic cell is produced due to_________________?
A. neutralization
B. oxidation
C. reduction
D. both B & C

708. In electrolytic cell electricity carries________________?
A. spontaneous reaction
B. non-wpontaneous reaction
C. neutralization
D. all of above

709. In Galvanic cell electrons flow from anode to cathode through__________________?
A. external electric circuit
B. salt bridge
C. movement of ions
D. all of the above

710. For the measurement of standard electrode potential Zn is dipped in________________?
A. 1 M ZnO solution
B. 1 M ZnSO4 solution
C. 1.5 M ZnSO4 solution
D. 0.1 M ZnSO4 solution