1011. To prepare the medium size crystal the hot filtrate is cooled_______.

A. Slowly
B. Fast
C. Moderately *
D. None

1012. Which type of chromatography has fixed phase______?

A. Absorption
B. Parition *
C. Gas
D. None of these

1013. When a solid which has high vapour pressure at a temperature below its boiling point ,is heated, it starts ____>

A. Sublimation *
B. Melting
C. Decomposing
D. Condensing

1014. The process of filtration is used to separate ______.

A. Solute from Solution
B. Insoluble particles from liquids *
C. The two immiscible liquids
D. The two miscible liquids

1015. In which process solid phase and vapour phase are directly involved ?

A. Sublimation *
B. Condensation
C. Vaporization
D. Filtration

1016. Which of the following is a type of chromatography?

A. T.L.C
B. G.L.C
C. Paper
D. All of them *

1017. Sintered glass crucible is used for _______.

A. Separation of two miscible liquids
B. Purification of Slid
C. Convenient filtration than that by gooch crucible *
D. To avoid premature crystallization of solute

1018. In paper chromatography the suspended paper is dipped in the solvent to ______.

A. About 5 MM *
B. touch the surface only
C. touch the bottom
D. about 5 Cm

1019. In crystallization, the solvent is selected on the basis of _____.

A. Its hardness
B. Its porous nature
C. Its reactivity
D. Hit and trail method *

1020. Which of the following techniques is a type chromatography in which solvent is in a pool at the bottom of the vessel?

A. Ascending paper Chromatography
B. Liquid solid chromatography
C. Liquid gas chromatography *
D. Descending paper Chromatography