831. Which one of the following raw material is not present in the cement ?
A. lime stone
B. gypsum
D. iron oxide

832. The sequence of zones in the rotary kiln are as____________________?
A. dry zone burning zone decomposition zone cooling zone
B. cooling zone burning zone decomposition zone dry zone
C. burning zone cooling zone decomposition zone
D. dry zone decomposition zone burning zone cooling zone

833. The rate of reaction___________________?
A. Increases as the reaction proceeds
B. Decreases as the reaction proceeds
C. Remains the same as the reaction proceeds
D. May decrease or increase as the reaction proceeds

834. The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the________________?
A. Time
B. Concentration of the reactant
C. Temperature
D. Concentration of the product

835. The value of activation energy is primarily determined by_______________?
A. Temperature
B. Effective collision
C. Concentration of reactants
D. Chemical nature of reactants and products

836. Spontaneous reactions are_______________?
A. Moderate
B. Slow
C. Fast
D. not natural

837. Unit of rate of reaction is_________________?
A. Moles dm-3 sec-1
B. Moles dm-3
C. Moles sec-1
D. Mol-1 dm3 sec-1

838. Rate of disappearance of reactant is equal to_________________?
A. Rate of reaction
B. Rate of formation of product
C. Energy released during reaction
D. A and B

839. For 3rd order reaction the hhalf life is inversely proportional to initial concentration of reactants__________________?
A. Single
B. Square
C. Cube
D. Raise to power four

840. Radiations are absorbed in_______________?
A. Spectrophotometer method
B. Dilatometric method
C. Optical relation method
D. Refractometric method