1061. An atom loses or gains electrons to _______.

A. Gain stability
B. Form a bond
C. Complete its outermost shell
D. All are accurate justifications *

1062. Energy required to remove electron from an atom ______.’

A. Ionization potential *
B. Electronegativity
C. Electron affinity
D. Activation energy

1063. Elements having High I.P values are ______.

A. Metals
B. Non Metals *
C. Liquids
D. Solids

1064. Ionic bond is produced after complete transfer of ______.

A. Nucleus
B. Neutrons
C. Electrons *
D. Protons

1065. The geometry of ammonia is _________.

A. Tetrahedral
B. Square planner
C. Trigonal bipyramids
D. Trigonal Pyramid *

1066. Pi Bonds are produced by overlapping of ________.

A. Un-Hybrid orbitals *
B. Hybrid orbitals
C. Hybrid and Un hybrid orbitals
D. Atomic orbital and hybrid orbital

1067. Which of these gases diffuse more quickly than oxygen?

A. H2S
B. NO *
C. CI2
D. N2O

1068. Which of the following is not considered as an intermolecular force between molecules ?

A. Coordinate covalent bonds *
B. Hydrogen bonds
C. Debye Forces
D. London dispersion forces

1069. Ideal gases have all the following characteristics except ________.

A. Absence of intermolecular forces
B. Collisions among the molecules of an ideal gas are perfectly elastic
C. The Molecules occupy no space *
D. All of the above are correct

1070. Under what conditions the gases deviate from the ideal behavior?

A. High temperature
B. Low temperature
C. High Pressure
D. B and C