1091. Which of the following is directly related to qualitative analysis ?

A. Identification *
B. Separation
C. Measurement
D. Calculation

1092. Which of the following process is used to separate insoluble particles from liquids ?

A. Seperation
B. Filtration *
C. Crystallization
D. Condensation

1093. The pore size of the filter paper depends upon :

A. Nature of the medium
B. Temperature of the medium
C. Size of the particles *
D. Mass of the particles

1094. During the collapsing of channel paper the zenith structure point of about :

A. 800
B. 700
C. 600 *
D. 400

1095. By using the fluted filter paper rate of filtration is :

A. Increased *
B. Decreased
C. fIltration is constant
D. Having no effect

1096. Gooch crucible is used for the filtration of precipitates having :

A. High solubility
B. High concentration
C. High ignition temperature *
D. Low temperature

1097. Gooch crucible used to filter the solution of :

A. H2SO4
C. KMnO4
D. Both B and C *

1098. Which one is the property of an ideal solvent ?

A. Should be expensive
B. It should react chemically with the solute
C. Impurities should crystallize along with the solute
D. Should be safe to use *

1099. Which one is not usually used for the crystallization ?

A. Acetone
B. Acetic acid
C. Sulphuric acid *
D. Chloroform

1100. If the solvent is inflammable for heating purpose we use :

A. Ice bath
B. Water bath *
C. Wire Gauze
D. Thermostat