811. Section 100, 101, and 102, of C.P.C. with deals with appeal to_______________?

A. High Court
B. Federal Shariat Court
C. Supreme Court
D. None of the these

812. An order under section 35-A, is __________________?

A. Appealable
B. Revisionable
C. Reviewable
D. None of the these

813. Appeal is a ____________ of the suit?

A. Finality
B. End
C. Continuation
D. None of the these

814. An appeal to Supreme Court is dealt by ___________________?

A. Section 107, C.P.C.
B. Section 108, C.P.C
C. Section 109, C.P.C
D. None of the these

815. Power of review is provided in__________________?

A. Section 113, C.P.C
B. Section 114, C.P.C
C. None of the above
D. None of the these

816. The petition for review shall be instituted in the Court_________________?

A. Of Session
B. Which passed the decree
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these

817. Scope of review power is __________________?

A. Vast
B. Broad
C. Limited
D. None of the these

818. Section ___________, C.P.C. deals with revision ?

A. 114,
B. 115,
C. 115-A,
D. None of the these

819. The revisional power can be exercised by_________________?

A. Court of Session
B. High Court
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these

820. Revisional power exercised by High Court or Court of Session is ___________ in nature?

A. Substantive
B. Discretionary
C. None of the above
D. None of the these