Law, the discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct of a community that is recognized as binding by the community. Enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority. Academic task offering 2000+ Law MCQs for the preparation of different schools, colleges, and universities examinations to get good marks. Solved judiary and law question and answer cover multiple topics such as Basic law MCQs, 2nd constitution of Pakistan, constitution of Pakistan 1962, Pakistan Panel Code 1860, court fee act, Code Of Criminal Procedure 1898,  Offences Of Zina Ordinance 1979, specific relief act Pakistan, constitution of 1962, court fee act, specific relief act Pakistan, constitution of Pakistan 1973, contract act 1872 Pakistan, Muslim family law ordinance, Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 hudood ordinance 1979, anti-terrorism act 1997, police order 2002, nab ordinance 1999, National Accountability Ordinance 1999, Executive Order On Parole 1934, Civil Procedure 1908, Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Rules 1927, Civil Procedure 1908, West Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance 1962, Family Courts Act 1964, Limitation Act 1908 – and much more. These law MCQs are also helpful for the preparation of various interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and jobs like Law Lecturer’s jobs, Legal advisor jobs, Legal Associate, etc. for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Sociology here.

291. “Compound” means_________________?

A. Compromise
B. Adjustment through agreement
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

292. Section 324, P.P.C. deals with__________________?

A. Attempt to commit qatl-i-amd
B. Causing of hurt by dangerous weapons or means under ikrah
C. Causing of death
D. None of these

293. Whoever is a thug, shall be punished with imprisonment for_________________?

A. Ten years, and shall also be liable to fine
B. Fourteen years, and shall also be liable to fine
C. Imprisonment for life and shall lso be liable to fine
D. None of these

294. Whoever causes pain, harm, disease, infirmity or injury to any person or impairs, disables, disfigures, defaces or dismembers any organ of the body or part therof any person without causing his death is said to______________________?

A. Cause hurt
B. Cause jurh
C. Cause injury
D. None of these

295. Itlaf-i-udw is a kind of____________________?

A. Jurh
B. Hurt
C. Shajjah
D. None of these

296. Punishment for qatl-i-khata as provided in Section 319, P.P.C. is _______________________?

A. Diyat and also imprisonment which may extend to five years
B. Diyat and imprisonment for ten years as tazir
C. Diyat and imprisonment for fifteen years as tazir
D. None of these

297. Whoever without any intention to cause death of or causes harm to, a person, causes death of such person either by mostake of act or by mistake of fact, is said to commit ____________________?

A. Qatl-i-amd
B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-khata
D. None of these

298. Section 320 of P.P.C. deals with punishment of__________________?

A. Causing death by rash or negligent driving
B. Causing death by intention
C. Causing death by ikrah
D. None of these

299. As per P.P.C. ikrah has ______________ kinds?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. None of these

300. Culpable homicide has ______________, kinds ?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. None of these