1071. Dead time of the instrument is :

A. The time expected by an instrument to start to answer a change in the measurand *
B. The amount of time an instrument needs to warm up first
C. The biggest difference in input amount for which there is no result of the instrument
D. None of the above

1072. Dead zone of an instrument is :

A. The amount of time an instrument needs to warm up first
B. The amount of time it takes for an instrument to start reacting to a change in measurand
C. The largest input quantity change for which there is no instrument output *
D. None of the above

1073. Torque/weight ratio of an instrument indicates :

A. Selectivity
B. Accuracy
C. Fidelity
D. Sensitivity *

1074. Which of the following statements is true for a measuring instrument ?

A. On the off chance that it is exact , it is precise
B. It is sensitive if it is linear.
C. In the event that it has a computerized show, it is precise
D. If it employs the null balance technique, its input frequency is high *

1075. A first order instrument is characterized by :

A. Time constant only
B. Static sensitivity and time constant
C. In the event that it has a computerized show, it is precise
D. It has a high input impedance * if it uses the null balance technique. *

1076. An indicating instrument is more sensitive it its torque to weight ratio is :

A. Much larger than unity *
B. Of the order of unity
C. Much less than unity
D. Made deflection dependent

1077. Which of the following factors determines an indicating instrument’s response time?

A. Deflecting system
B. Controlling system
C. Damping system *
D. Pivot and jewel bearings

1078. The difference between the indicated value and the true value of a quantity is :

A. Gross error
B. Absolute error *
C. Dynamic error
D. Relative error

1079. Which category is comprised of an instrument’s errors?

A. Systematic errors *
B. Random errors
C. Gross errors
D. Relative errors

1080. A standard cell of 1.085 volts used with a simple potentiometer balances at 50cm. The rate blunder in the voltmeter which adjusts at 60cm while perusing 1.2 v is:

A. 1.8 % low *
B. 3.6 % low
C. 1.8 % high
D. 3.6 % high