1371. The peace negotiations culminated in the Oslo accord of :

A. September 1991
B. September 1992
C. September 1993 *
D. September 1994

1372. At one side Britain promised with Arabs about palestine and another side it had also made promise with _______ of Palestine ?

A. Germans
B. Greeks
C. Jews *
D. Turks

1373. When Balfour declaration was incorporated into League of Nations mandate for :

A. 28 August 1922
B. 25 November 1922
C. 24 July 1922 *
D. 15 November 1922

1374. On 8 July 2014 , The israel defence Forces (IDF) launched operation in the Gaza strip .What name was given to Operation ?

A. Operation Brother’s Keeper
B. Operation Iron Dome
C. Operation Protective Edge *
D. Operation Eagle Sky

1375. What was the duration of British Mandate ?

A. 1922 to 1930
B. 1922 to 1935
C. 1922 to 1940
D. 1922 to 1948 *

1376. Yasir Arafat became the chairman of the PLO executive committee in :

A. 1964
B. 1967
C. 1969 *
D. 1972

1377. Which country expelled PLO in 1970?

A. Jordan *
B. Syria
C. Egypt
D. Lebanon

1378. When were first palestinian elections held in which Yasir Arafat was elected president of the palestine Authority ?

A: 1993
B. 1994
C. 1995
D. 1996 *

1379. Plan to resolve “The israeli Palestinian conflict proposed by US. EU , Russia and UN is called :

A. “Road Map” for Peace *
B. “Peace Map” for peace
C. “Proposed Peace Map” for Peace
D. None of these

1380. Which country is considered Israel’s oldest and best friend in the Muslim World ?

A. Iraq
B. Egypt
C. Iran
D. Turkey *