MCQs is one of the best ways to test a student’s comprehension of a concept. Academic Task subject experts have prepared these Software Engineering MCQs based on current trends and practices. These Software Engineering MCQs with answers cover all areas of Software Engineering. Furthermore, it will be beneficial for competitive examinations and tests (PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test, BPSC Test, Test) as well. Software Engineering Questions and Answers cover the topic like Evolutionary Software Process Models, Selection of a Life Cycle Model, Fourth Generation Techniques, Software Process and Product – 1, Software Process and Product – 2, Agile Software Development, Extreme Programming, Requirement Engineering, Functional and Non-Functional Requirements, Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 1, Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 2, Requirement Analysis, Requirement Documentation, Requirement Management, etc. Also, check Civil Engineering Questions and Answers here.

31. If you were a lead developer of a software company and you are asked to submit a project/product within a stipulated time-frame with no cost barriers, which model would you select ?

A. Waterfall
B. Spiral
D. Incremental

32. Identify a fourth generation language(4GL) from the given below_________________?

C. Unix shell
D. C++

33. 4GL is an example of ________________ processing?

A. White Box
B. Black Box
C. Functional
D. Both Black Box & Functional

34. The 4GT Model is a package of _________________?

A. CASE Tools
B. Software tools
C. Software Programs
D. None of the mentioned

35. Which one of the following is not a fundamental activity for software processes in software engineering ?

A. Software Verification
B. Software Validation
C. Software design and implementation
D. Software evolution

36. The longer a fault exists in software__________________?

A. the more tedious its removal becomes
B. the more costly it is to detect and correct
C. the less likely it is to be properly corrected
D. All of the mentioned

37. Selection of a model is based on_____________________?

A. Requirements
B. Development team & Users
C. Project type and associated risk
D. All of the mentioned

38. Which of the following life cycle model can be chosen if the development team has less experience on similar projects ?

A. Spiral
B. Waterfall
D. Iterative Enhancement Model

39. Which two of the following models will not be able to give the desired outcome if user’s participation is not involved?

A. Waterfall & Spiral
B. RAD & Spiral
C. RAD & Waterfall
D. RAD & Prototyping

40. A company is developing an advance version of their current software available in the market, what model approach would they prefer ?

B. Iterative Enhancement
C. Both RAD & Iterative Enhancement
D. Spiral