921. Good teacher can become only that person who prefers _________ to teaching.
(A) Exclusive Research
(B) Action Research
(C) Formal Method
(D) None of the above

922. Social maturity is essential for the _________ quality.
(A) Content
(B) Text Books
(C) Leadership
(D) Education

923. Television is a mean of ________ education.
(A) Regular
(B) Special
(C) Distance
(D) All are correct

924. _____________ develops co-operation and physical balance in the students.
(A) Knowledge
(B) Sports and Games
(C) Intelligence
(D) All of the above

925. If a teacher uses previous learned material in the new situation then it is called?
(A) Learning
(B) Growth
(C) Knowledge
(D) Application

926. ______________________ is the essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school.
(A) Learning Skills
(B) Intelligence
(C) Wealth
(D) Vocational Competencies

927. Celebrates diversity in the classroom is?
(A) Exclusive Education
(B) Inclusive Education
(C) Special Education
(D) None of the above

928. _________________ is the basic source of educational objectives.
(A) Experience
(B) Human Experience
(C) High Marks
(D) None of the above

929. Teacher should teach those students who are?
(A) Intelligent
(B) Average
(C) Below Average
(D) Should teach to all students

930. From the following Which is alternative from the other three with respect to fine motor Movement___ _?
A. Dictation
B. Dot Joining
C. Separation of fruits and vegetables
D. Handwriting
E. Both a and b
F. None of these