791. There are about how many spoken languages are in the world?
(A) 2000
(B) 2500
(C) 3000
(D) 3500

792. What is meant by “Dunce”?
(A) Very intelligent student
(B) A person incapable of learning
(C) Student who have advance knowledge of topic which he going to learn
(D) None of the above

793. Subject centered design revolve around which of the following?
(A) Content
(B) Aims
(C) Action
(D) None of the above

794. By which of the following method effectiveness of the curriculum is determined by?
(A) Evaluation
(B) Method
(C) Course
(D) All of the above

795. “There should be such adjustment of knowledge, thinking, and activities of the person as may lead to successful performance of the work”, it is the definition of?
(A) Adjustment
(B) Development
(C) Integrated development of personality
(D) None of the above

796. In the Britain approach of lesson planning, they more emphasis on which thing?
(A) Teacher
(B) Teacher and content presentation
(C) Content
(D) None of the above

797. What is discovery method?
(A) Students find new ideas/information from someone else
(B) Students find new ideas/information using internet
(C) Students fing new ideas/information themselves
(D) None of the above

798. How many number of students are in the method of micro teaching?
(A) Minimum 1 to 2
(B) Maximum 1 to 2
(C) Minimum 3 to 4
(D) Minimum 5 to 10
799. By putting all ideas together to form new whole is called what?
(A) Comprehension
(B) Teaching
(C) Synthesis
(D) Assessment
800. Condition that increases possibility of accepting a particular responses in future is?
(A) Feedback
(B) Comments
(C) Results
(D) None of the above