781. In Pedagogy computer is used for ?
A. To motivate the learner
B. To provide feedback
C. To interact with the learner
D. For all the above

782. What is the basic element of Education system?
A. Student
B. Assessment
C. Instructor
D. Curriculum

783. Which education is also called Distance Education?
A. Non-formal education
B. District education
C. formal education
D. Social education

784. Who said that Knowledge is Virtue?
A. Pythagoras
B. Archimedes
C. Socrates
D. Aristotle

785. Integral part of the entire education system is ?
A. Learning
B. Examination
C. Knowledge
D. None of these

786. Which system implies division of academic year in three parts?
A. Bimester system
B. Trimester system
C. Semester system
D. None of these

787. Seven liberal arts are also known as ?
A. Classical Curriculum
B. Content Curriculum
C. Relegional Curriculum
D. Cultural Curriculum

788. The first school set up on activity based curriculum was in ?
A. China
B. Germany
C. England
D. America

789. From the following which is kings of sound?
(A) Oral sound
(B) Consonant sound
(C) Verbal sounds
(D) None of the above

790. How many number of kings of sound are?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4