511. A nervous or shy child cannot obtain the benefit from his __________ experiences.
A. Personal
B. Learning
C. Social
D. None of these

512. Learning to read is a complex __________
A. Procedure
B. Phenomenon
C. Activity
D. Behavior

513. The obtaining of thought from the written material can be possible through silent __________
A. Reading
B. Planning
C. Practice
D. Learning

514. A successful practice is the real test of __________ achievement.
A. Teacher
B. Principal
C. Learning
D. Evaluation

515. It is openly observed that __________ involves much more than measurement.
A. Government
B. Environment
C. Learning
D. Evaluation

516. Motivation is the __________ purpose of evaluation.
A. Basic
B. Primary
C. Optional
D. Individual

517. Primary purpose of evaluation is to provide a basis for curriculum __________
A. Revision
B. Improvement
C. Both Revision and Improvement
D. None of these

518. Environments should be main focus in the case of __________
A. Learning
B. Institutes
C. Training
D. Teaching

519. It is __________ exercise for complete evaluation of institutions.
A. Time consuming
B. Costly
C. Both costly and time consuming
D. None of these

520. Webster __________ evaluation as “examining and judging the worth quality, significance, amount, degree or condition of something.”
A. Defined
B. Described
C. Present
D. None of these