371. What should teacher do before teaching the lesson?
A. He should tell the answers of the lessons first
B. Lesson should be read by a student
C. He should point out the meaning of difficult words of the lesson, first
D. He should tell the main objectives of the lesson

372. Which of the following is not the part of educational technology?
A. Use of motivation techniques in the class
B. Construction of measuring instruments for evaluation of instructional outcomes
C. Comparison of performance of two different classes or schools
D. Selection of suitable teaching strategies

373. Which of the following purposes is served by lesson plan?
A. Psychological teaching is possible
B. Suitable learning environment can be created in the class
C. A teacher can stick to his content
D. All of the above

374. Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson?
A. Demonstration
B. Questioning
C. Narration
D. Lecture

375.Purpose of evaluative phase of teaching is:
A. To know to what extent objectives are realized
B. To know the shortcoming of the teacher
C. To know the effectiveness of strategies
D. All of the above

376.Which is the best method of study of child behavior?
A. Inspection method
B. Interview method
C. Practical method
D. Personal study method

377.Attitude can: ______________?
A. Be overt or covert both
B. Provide basic for individual differences
C. Be the measure of cultural differentiation
D. All of the above

378. Which of the following teaching aids helps the pupils to study, analyses and compare date?
A. Graphs
B. Maps
C. Diagrams
D. Pictures

379.Evaluation approach of lesson planning is criticized on the ground that:
A. No effort is made to integrate different teaching points
B. It is highly structured where teacher dominates over pupils
C. It does not take individual difference of pupils into account
D. All of the above

380.Complexities of scoring of matching types of tests can be reduced by____________?
A. Assigning only one mark for the item
B. Increasing the items in two columns
C. Supplementing the matched items with four alternative items
D. None of these