1221. The Cooperative learning method which combines whole class learning plus heterogenous small groups is termed as :

A. Circles of learning *
B. Circles of Knowledge
C. Circles of conceptual learning
D. None of the above

1222. Circles of learning were formulated by :

A. Rogers
B. Roger and David Johnson *
C. David Johnson
D. None of the above

1223. ____________ is a model of instruction where the teacher is a guide and collaborator in the student’s learning . Not the sole director :

A. Coaching Model *
B. Learning Model
C. Operating Model
D. Discipline Model

1224. The models based on the philosophy that learning occurs when there are changes in mental structure are called :

A. Psychomotor learning models
B. Affective learning Models
C. Knowledge Learning Models
D. Cognitive Learning Models *

1225. While teaching in the classroom, any kind of work that involves two or more students is a form of :

A. Collaborative work
B. Collaborative effort
C. Collaborative project
D. Collaborative Learning *

1226. When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea , the notebook is known as :

A. Collective Notebook *
B. Collective work sample
C. Collective homework
D. None of the above

1227. _______can be useful in motivating some student to learn :

A. Compositions
B. Competitions *
C. Collisions
D. None of the above

1228. A written work by a student to demonstrate some literary or linguistic knowledge , is termed as :

A. Comprehension
B. Demonstration
C. Homework
D. Compositions *

1229. The theory explaining the different types of learning and proposing that they require different types of teaching is remembered as :

A. Conditions of knowledge
B. Conditions of behavior
C. Conditions of learning *
D. None of the above

1230. The theory of conditions of learning was presented by :

A. Robert Gagne *
B. Robert Frost
C. Robert Hunter
D. None of the above