1201. The best teacher is one who :

A. Provide the students with the right guidance
B. Loves discipline
C. Is punctual
D. Who takes interest in the all round development of the students *

1202. To win the confidence of the students, the teacher should behave with the students :

A. Like a teacher
B. Like a mother
C. Like a father
D. Like a friend *

1203. As a teacher your attitude towards a student who is weak in studies should be :

A. Strict
B. Lovely
C. Generous
D. Sympathetic *

1204. The teacher should know the following thing :

A. What information is required by children ?
B. What is known to the kids before hand?
C. The children face difficulty in which area?
D. What was last known to the children? *

1205. For the individual who needs to turn out to be great educator :

A. Teacher training is required in addition to formal education
B. He must have a love of children, but he may not be trained
C. He must have a graduate degree and be trained in teaching *
D. He must have formal education and a love of children, but he may not be trained

1206. The aim of education is to make the all round development of the child. Which of the following is not included in it ?

A. Economic development *
B. Physical development
C. Mental development
D. Moral development

1207. Absenteeism can be tackled by :

A. Teaching
B. Punishing the students
C. Giving the sweets
D. Contacting the parents *

1208. You want to be a teacher because :

A. You will get a job
B. You are very much interested in learning and teaching *
C. Your guardians want it
D. All your friends have become teachers

1209. A teacher can be successful in his aim:

A. By keeping his students in discipline
B. By making his teaching impressive *
C. By punctuality
D. By taking care of the interests of the students

1210. Teaching is a three dimensional process which does not involve :

A. Student
B. Teacher
C. Environment
D. Library *