1031. True of False items cannot provide accurate criterion of evaluation because _______.

A. There is a high probability of guesswork on the part of examiners
B. They do not require extensive research to attempt
C. They generally inflate actual scores
D. All of the above *

1032. Which one is not among the elements of active learning?

A. Materials
B. Manipulation
C. Language
D. Practically *

1033. We call a child backward if ________.

A. His or her attainment scores are among the lowest in his or her class *
B. He or she is a dull child with below-average intelligence
C. They stay in the same class for more than a year
D. His/Her fulfillment falls beneath the level of his/her inherent capacities

1034. How does an effective teacher make students attentive in class?

A. By punshing naughty children
B. By making one’s teaching interesting *
C. By telling stories
D. By distributing sweets

1035. A popular teacher is one who________.

A. Loves children
B. Is favorite of children *
C. Is favorite of parents
D. respects children’s parents

1036. Which is the best approach to studying behavior in children?

A. Inspection method
B. Practical method
C. Interview method
D. Personal study method *

1037. What should teacher do before teaching the lesson?

A. Illustration ought to be perused by an understudy
B. He ought to tell the primary targets of the illustration *
C. He ought to bring up the importance of troublesome expressions of the illustration first
D. He ought to tell the responses of the illustration first

1038. Teacher should read other books also except course-books .What will be the benefit of it?

A. They can make the most of their time;
B. They will be happy and teach well;
C. Their knowledge will grow throughout and they will teach well.
D. Because of the way he teaches, people will know him as the best teacher.

1039. For healthy arrangement of class room, necessary thing is _______.

A. There should be enough light in the class
B. There should be ventilation in the class
C. There should be a good guest plan in the class
D. All of the above *

1040. There are three main duties of a teacher .

A. Instruction, regulation, and guidance
B. Teaching, creation of character and co-operation
C. Direction, Skilled practice and regulation
D. Instruction, direction and training