1011. Child development is marked by interrelated processes, Which one is not one of them______.

A. Differentiation
B. Integration
C. Motivation *
D. Learning

1012 In your view, which one is the most important factor of teaching process?

A. Teacher *
B. The Environment of the class
C. Student
D. Teaching Materials

1013. Generally student lik those teachers who_______.

A. Dictate notes in the class
B. Reveal important questions before examinations
C. Remove the difficulties of the subject *
D. Are self-Disciplined

1014. When a student asks a question to which the teaching has not direct correct answer. What should the teacher do ?

A. Give some vague answer and satisfy the student questions
B. Inform the student not to ask such inane questions.
C. Inform the student that he will provide the correct response in due course
D. Ask the student -to find out the answer himself from books in the library

1015. The student learn most from those teacher who______.

A. Are Gentle *
B. Express their ideas comprehensively and clearly
C. Are always ready for discussion
D. Works hard

1016. The Psychological environment of the class is mainly the duty of ______.

A. Class Teacher *
B. Subject-Teacher
C. Principal
D. Student Himself

1017. The teacher should know the following thing ______.

A. What information is required by children?
B. What is beforehand known to the children?
C. In which field trouble is looked by the kids? *
D. What was last known to the children ?

1018. The able teacher is one who________.

A. Aids in the exam success of all students
B. Incalculates the interest in the subject among students
C. Maintains peace in the class
D. Engages the students in their work *

1019. A student having scientific attitude

A. Studies Systematically
B. Gets good Job
C. Thinks Rationally *
D. Becomes courageous

1020. Through which action children learn fast ?

A. Facial expression *
B. Study
C. Walk
D. Write