761. Body fluid buffers can buffer:
A. 5-10 mmol of acid
B. 50-100 mmol of acid
C. 500-1000 mmol of acid
D. 5000-10000 mmol of acid
E. none of the above

762. Which of the following causes systolic hypertension?
A. acromegaly
B. thyrotoxicosis
C. renal artery stenosis
D. increased intracranial pressure
E. chronic renal failure

763. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
A. Benign nephrosclerosis is an aging change.
B. There is loss of 10% functional nephrons every 10years after age 40.
C. Benign nephrosclerosis uncommonly results in renal failure
D. Benign nephrosclerosis manifests as fibrinoid necrosis & onion-skinning of arterioles
E. All of the aboveĀ 

764. Malignant hypertension is associated with:
A. Increased renin, angiotensin & aldosterone levels
B. Papilloedema, retinopathy & encephalopathy
C. Diastolic BP > 180mmHg
D. Proteinuria & hematuria occurs early
E. All of the above

765. Which of the following exemplifies the 2 kidney Goldblatt hypertension?
A. bilateral renal artery stenosis
B. unilateral renal artery stenosis
C. coartation of aorta
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

766. Which of the following renal calculi is radio-lucent?
A. calcium oxalate calculi
B. cystine calculi
C. uric acid calculi
D. triple phosphate calculi
E. none of the above is radio-lucent

767. The cause of the greatest number of deaths attributable to smoking is
A. Trachea, lung and bronchus malignancy
B. Ischaemic heart disease
C. Chronic respiratory disease
D. Cerebrovascular disease
E. Oesophageal carcinoma

768. Consequences of lead exposure include all of the following EXCEPT
A. Hypertension
B. Renal failure
C. Polycythemia
D. Encephalopathy
E. Mental deterioration

769. Features of acute radiation syndrome include all of the following EXCEPT
A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Lymphocytopenia
C. Shock
D. Infertility
E. Intractable vomiting

770. Which of the following vitamin deficiencies causes subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord
A. A
B. B1
C. B2
D. B12
E. K