741. Which of the following is the best predictor of impending type I diabetes mellitus?
A. Presence of anti GAD Antibody
B. Type I diabetes mellitus in 1 sl order relative
C. Type I diabetes mellitus in identical twin
D. Recent mumps infection
E. None of the above

742. Type II diabetes mellitus is characterized by the following EXCEPT:
A. obese body habitus
B. rarity ofDKA
C. absolute reduction of insulin level
D. mild f3 cell depletion
E. late onset in life.

743. Type II diabetes is associated with:
A. pernicious anaemia
B. Addison’s disease
C. grave’s disease
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

744. Type II diabetes mellitus:
A. display loss of normal pulsatile pattern of insulin secretion
B. 80% are obese
C. occult disease may be unmasked during pregnancy
D. has reduced number of peripheral insulin receptors
E. all of the above

745. In diabetes mellitus, advanced glycosylation end-products (AGE) do NOT:
A. undergo proteolytic degradation
B. cross link type IV collagen in interstitium & blood vessel wall
C. trap LDL & increase LDL binding to LDL receptor
D. increase procoagulant activity of endothelial cells & monocytes
E. correlate with severity of nephropathy

746. Complications of Diabetes Mellitus:
A. All patients with diabetes mellitus develop clinically significant atherosclerosis after 10 years.
B. Up to 50% of diabetic patients develop hyperlipidemia
C. 30% of Type I diabetic patients develop end stage renal failure
D. 50% of diabetic patients develop proteinuria
E. All of the above

747. Pre-renal acute renal failure does NOT occur in the setting of:
A. Acute myocardial infarction
B. Bums
C. NSAID use
D. Carbon tetrachloride poisoning
E. Sepsis

748. Renal acute renal failure does NOT occur in the setting of:
A. cholesterol emboli
B. renal artery stenosis
C. acute tubular necrosis
D. ethylene glycol poisoning
E. malignant hypertension

749. Pre-renal acute renal failure is reversible if the renal blood flow (RBF) is maintained above:
A. 50 mllmin
B. 100 mllmin
C. 150 ml/min
D. 200 mllmin
E. 250 ml/min

750. Which of the following statement regarding acute renal failure is FALSE?
A. Renal oxygen requirement reduces as renal blood flow falls.
B. Renal cellular hypoxia & acute tubular necrosis when renal blood flow falls below 20% normal.
C. Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is caused by Group B streptococcal infection
D. More than 95% of acute glomerulonephritis is due to post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.
E. All of the above