711 Secondary causes of osteoporosis include the following EXCEPT
A. Type 2 diabetes
B. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Hypogonadism
D. Vitamin C deficiency
E. Multiple myeloma

712 Of the following, the most likely cause of a metastatic bone tumour in an adult is
A. Osteosarcoma
B. Pancreatic carcinoma
C. Seminoma
D. Thyroid carcinoma
E. Renal cell carcinoma

713 Regarding osteoarthritis
A. Osteoblasts are stimulated to produce ILl and TNF
B. Lipase stimulation results in bony cysts
C. Articular fracture indicates coexisting osteoporosis
D. Water content of the bone matrix decreases
E. Sclerosis is a common finding

714. Regarding benign and malignant neoplasms
A. All malignant neoplasms can metastasise
B. 30% of newly diagnosed patients with malignancy have matastases
C. Benign tumours are anaplastic
D. Large numbers of mitoses are indicative of malignancy
E. Malignant neoplasms are always poorly differentiated

715. The most common cancer in men is
A. Lung
B. Colon and rectum
C. Prostate
D. Stomach
E. Leukaemia

716. The most common cause of cancer mortality in males aged 15-34 is
A. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
B. Lung
C. Brain
D. Leukaemia
E. Prostate

717. The most common cause of cancer mortality in females aged 15-34 is
A. Brain
B. Cervix
C. Leukaemia
D. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
E. Breast

718. Which of the following is the correct oncogenic virus disease association
A. HPV -Burkitt lymphoma
B. HTLV-l-nasopharyngeal carcinoma
C. EBV – B cell lymphoma
D. EBV -cervical carcimoma
E. HPV -cervical carcinoma

719.After occlusion of a coronary artery
A.The ischaemia is most pronounced in the epicardial region
B.Loss of contractility occurs only when ultra structural changes in the myocyte are present
C.Reperfusion of the ischaemic area can result in new cellular damage, due to the generation of oxygen free radicals
D.Q waves on an ECG are diagnostic of transmural infarction
E.None of the above

720. Which of the following is NOT a sign of anaplasia?
A. cytoplasmic & nuclear pleomorphism
B. large nucleoli & hyperchromic chromatin
C. presence of mitotic figures
D. disturbed orientation of cells
E. increased nuclear & cytoplasmic ratio