601. Which of the following statement regarding HAV is FALSE?
A. It accounts for 25% of hepatitis worldwide
B. It replicates in & is released after damaging the hepatic cells
C. It is shed in stool for 2 weeks before & 1 week after onset of jaundice
D. The marker of acute infection is anti-HA V IgM
E. Anti HA V IgG persists for life & confers immunity.

602. Hepatitis B virus is most commonly manifest as:
A. subclinical infection
B. acute hepatitis
C. chronic carrier state
D. chronic active hepatitis
E. fulminant hepatitis

603. Hepatitis B virus is found in the following except:
A. saliva
B. serum
C. unne
D. stool
E. tears

604. Which of the following is a marker of recent acute HBV infection?
A. AntiHBs Antibody (IgG)
B. HBcAg
D. HbsAg
E. Anti HbcAntibody (IgM)

605. Lowest risk of HCV transmission is via the following route:
A. direct inoculation
B. blood transfusion
C. vertical transmission
D. sexual transmission
E. all are equally high risk situationĀ 

606. Which of the following regarding hepatitis C virus is FALSE?
A. Incubation period is 2-26 weeks
B. HCV RNA persists in > 90% patients with chronic disease
C. Anti-HCV Ab (IgG) is protective against re-infection
D. 50% patients with undiagnosed cirrhosis is due to HCV infection
E. Infection with HCV is characterized by episodic l’AST.

607. Which of the following statement regarding carrier state in viral hepatitis is FALSE?

A. It occurs in HA V, HBV & HCV infection
B. It is a reservoir of the infection
C. It is more common in vertical transmission of HBV than in adult HBV infection D. Liver biopsy is essentially normal
E. Patient is usually symptom free

608. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of pre-icteric phase of viral hepatitis?
A. malaise, anorexia & weight loss
B. tender hepatomegaly
C. steatorrhoea
D. pruritis
E. all of the above

609. Which of the following is NOT raised in acute viral hepatitis?
A. bilirubin
D. Albumin
E. All of the above

610. Causes of chronic hepatitis include the following EX CEPT:
A. Wilson’s disease
B. Rotor’s syndrome
C. alantiytrypsin deficiency
D. autoimmune hepatitis
E. chronic alcoholism