Pathology is a branch of medical science that involves the study and diagnosis of disease through the examination of surgically removed organs, tissues (biopsy samples), bodily fluids, and in some cases the whole body (autopsy). Academic tasks provide 3000+ basic and advanced levels of pathology MCQ with answers. In this section, we focus on all areas of MCQs on pathology subject and cover all important topics of pathology like Primary Cardiovascular, Primary Cellular, Primary Endocrine And Renal, Primary Cellular Pathology, Cell Injury, General Pathology, Organ System Pathology, Atherosclerosis-Thrombosis, Embryology, Neoplasia, Nutrition, Transfusion Medicine, Coagulation – and much more. All these topics are chosen from trusted and best reference books on biochemistry. These biochemistry MCQs are also helpful for the preparation of interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Oral Histology here.

341. All of the following differs antemortum thrombus from a postmortem intravascular costs except_____________?
A. Chicken fat appearance
B. Lines of zahn
C. Dry and friable
D. Firm adherence to endothelium where as absent in postmorten clots

342. Which of the following is not an indicative of hemorrhage_____________?
A. Ecchymosis
B. Malena
C. Melanosis
D. Petechiae

343. Extravastion of blood in to the tissues with resulting swelling is called_____________?
A. Hemothorax
B. Heamoperitonium
C. Heamopericardium
D. Hematoma

344. Three days after the onset of myocardial infarction, which enzyme level has the best predictive value____________?
A. Serum CPK
B. Serum LDH
C. Serum SGOT
D. Serum SGPT

345. Pale infarcts are seen in all of the following except______________?
A. Lung
B. Liver
C. Kidney
D. Spleen

346. Earliest lesion in atherosclerosis is_____________?
A. Atheroma
B. Fatty streak
C. Fibrous plaque
D. None of the above

347. Which of the following symptomatic atheroscierotic disease is correct_____________?
A. Aorta – Aneurysm, thromboembolism
B. Heart – MI, Ischemic heart disease
C. Lower extremities – claudication gangrene
D. All of the above

348. In which one of the following organs the venous emboli are most often iodged ?
A. Lungs
B. Kidneys
C. Intestines
D. Heart

349. The infarct of the following organs is invariably haemorrhagic_____________?
A. Kidney
B. Lung
C. Spleen
D. Heart

350. Venous emboli are most often lodged in_____________?
A. Intestines
B. Lungs
C. Kidneys
D. Heart