2041. The highest point of North america is :

A. MT Aconcagua
B. MT Ellsworth
C. MT Mckinley *
D. MT Kosciuszko

2042. The highest part of the earth is :

A. Mount everest *
B. K2
C. MT Kilimanjaro
D. None

2043. Asia comprises _______ of the earth land area :

A. 26 %
B. 35 %
C. 30 % *
D. 20 %

2044. The highest point of Africa is :

A. Mount Everest
B. Mount Kilimanjaro
C. Mount Mckinley
D. Mount Ellsworth

2045. Total area of the earth is :

A. 510,064,472 square Kilometer *
B. 492,102,000 square kilometer
C. 392,023,000 square kilometer
D. 692,192,000 square kilometer

2046. The ratio between oceans and land by area is :

A. 70.8% and 29.2% *
B. 61.9% and 29.1%
C. 59% and 41%
D. 80.2% and 19.8%

2047. The leaders of the ECO countries has so far met twice in february 1992 and :

A. March 1992
B. April 1992
C. May 1992 *
D. June 1992

2048. The third-largest continent on earth is :

A. Europe
B. Australia
C. North America *
D. South America

2049. To promote economic interlinkages , the vital requirement is that of communication infrastructure like :

A. Roads, Rail
B. Shipping
C. Air line and Telecommunications
D. All of the above *

2050. RCD highway links pakistan with :

A. Iran
B. Turkey
C. Syria
D. Both A and B *