771. ______________ is a strategy of using a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product in a new category.
B.Line extension
C.Brand extension

772. The stage is the product life cycle that focuses on expanding market and creating product awareness and trial is the:
A.Decline stage.
B.Introduction stage.
C.Growth stage.
D.Maturity stage.

773. ______________ is a critical success factors of products at project level which is indicated by a differentiated product with unique customer benefits.
A.Solid up front homework
B.High quality marketing activities
C.Sharp early product definition
D.Product superiority

774. Which of the following represents the correct sequence of tasks for building a brand (from left to right)?
A.Developing marketing programs, Leverage of secondary associations, Choosing brand elements
B.Choosing brand elements, Developing marketing programs, Leverage of secondary associations
C.Choosing brand elements, Leverage of secondary associations, Developing marketing programs
D.Leverage of secondary associations, Choosing brand elements, Developing marketing programs

775. Company A fixes its marketing communication budget by observing the budget set by Company B. This is an example of establishing budget by:
A.Affordable method
B.Percentage of sales method
C.Competitive parity method
D.Objective and task method

776. Marketing channel that involves no intermediaries to made their products available to final buyers is classified as
A.Direct channel
B.Indirect channel
C.Static channel
D.Flexible channel

777. Typically profit is negative in which stage of the product life cycle?

778. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) represents the order quantity for which:
A.Inventory carrying cost per unit is lowest
B.Order processing cost per unit is lowest
C.Total inventory and order cost per unit is lowest
D.None of these

779. Which of the following statement is true regarding break-even point:
A.The profit at break-even point is 0
B.Total revenue is more than total cost at break-even point
C.Total cost is more than total profit at break-even point
D.None of these

780. Cost of setting up a warehouse is considered as ______________ cost and cost of overtime paid to workers is considered as a ______________ cost.
A.Fixed, fixed
B.Variable, fixed
C.Fixed, variable
D.Variable, Variable