91. Online marketing can be defined as:
A. The application of information technology for internal and external business processes
B. The utilization of database marketing techniques that generate dynamic relationships in an online world
C. The use of Internet and related digital information and communications technologies to achieve marketing objectives
D. An interactive global communications medium that support marketing strategies

92. Effective online marketers requires the following combination:
A. IT and Marketing competences to achieve customer satisfaction
B. Product innovations and creative web site design
C. Digital technologies with strategic market planning
D. New forms of direct marketing with new supplier relationships

93. The main consumer concerns that restricted the rate of internet adoption were:
A. Customer resistance to change
B. The online shopping experience
C. Limited web access
D. Security, trust and privacy issues

94. An organisation’s web site plays an increasingly crucial role in:
A. Multi-channel marketing
B. Customer service
C. Relationship Marketing
D. Customer Acquisition

95. The convenience provided by the Internet is important for the following ‘environmental’ reasons:
A. Political
B. Legal
C. Socio-economic
D. Technological

96. The Internet has resulted in a fundamental shift in:
A. Greater consumer power and knowledge
B. Greater competition
C. Price competitiveness
D. Strategic Alliances and partnerships

97. An Internet champion is needed to change and shape:
A. The communications strategy
B. The competitive strategy
C. The customization strategy
D. The corporate culture

98. For multi-channel marketers, the online environment should reinforce:
A. The offline brand
B. Consistent brand values across all channels
C. A customer’s self image
D. Supplier and distributor relationships

99. Political influence has been important in developing:
A. International e-regulations
B. Web accessibility
C. A country’s e-readiness
D. Broadband adoption

100. A well designed web site can communicate effectively with its:
A. Target Market
B. Stakeholders
C. Intermediaries
D. Investors