451. Ibrahim A.S remained in fire for ________ days.
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

452. Ibrahim A.S was __________ years old when Ismael A.S was born.
A. 84
B. 85
C. 86
D. 87

453. Hazrat ____________ was the first who learnt to write.
A. Ibrahim A.S
B. Idrees A.S
C. Musa A.S
D. Haroon A.S

454. Hazrat Musa A.S was granted ________ miracles.
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

455. Hazrat _____________ was famous for his patience.
A. Haroon A.S
B. Ayub A.S
C. Musa A.S
D. Ibrahim A.S

456. Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat __________ is situated in Jerusalem.
A. Ibrahim A.S
B. Shoib A.S
C. Haroon A.S
D. Essa A.S

457. Prophet Hazrat ____________ has the title Najeeb Ullah
A. Ibrahim A.S
B. Noah A.S
C. Musa A.S
D. Dawood A.S

458. After _________ day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight

459. Yousuf A.S and Yaqoob A.S met each other after ________ years.
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

460. Nation of ____________ committed embezzlement in trusts.
A. Haroon A.S
B. Musa A.S
C. Shoib A.S
D. Essa A.S