1651. Jerusalem is a sacred place for_____________.

A. Christian
B. Jews
C. Muslims
D. All of Them *

1652. Religion shintoism is followed in which of the following countries ?

A. China
B. Thailand
C. Japan *
D. Nepal

1653. Sikhism was founded by guru Nanak in _____________.

A. 875 AD
B. 1650 AD
C. 1500 AD *
D. 1575 AD

1654. Golden temple is the sacred place of which religion ?

A. Sikhism *
B. Hinduism
C. Buddhism
D. Taoism

1655. Who is the founder of Taoism ?

A. Lun Yu
B. Tao-te-Cheng *
C. Lao-tse
D. Hunge fe

1656. Taoism is followed in which of the following countries ?

A. China
B. Taiwan
C. Brunai
D. All of them *

1657. Taoism was founded in ___________.

A. 16TH Century *
B. 12th Century
C. 15th Century
D. 14th Century

1658. TAO-TE-CHING is the sacred book of ___________

A. Confucianism
B. Shintoism
C. Buddhism
D. Taoism *

1659. After christianity and islam, the third biggest religion in terms of followers is:

A. Judaism
B. Shintoism
C. Buddism
D. Hinduism *

1660. The French Revolution began in the year _______________.

A. 1770
B. 1788
C. 1789 *
D. 1750