231. Which is true ?
A. Productivity has increased in the decade of the 1990
B. Blue-collar workers have suffered layoffs
C. Downsizing has created a new style of employment
D. All of the above are true

232. The jobs of the future will include______________?
A. steel workers
B. routine services
C. personal services
D. All but A

233. The government can curb excessive aggregate demand(inflation)by_________________?
A. decreasing taxes on consumers
B. increasing spending
C. decreasing taxes on firms
D. none of the above

234. The Federal Reserve Bank regulates the money supply by__________________?
A. establishing minimum reserve requirements of member banks
B. the discount rate it charges member banks
C. buying and selling government securities
D. all of the above

235. Total planned OR desired spending in the economy as a whole within a given period is called_____________?
A. pent-up demand
B. aggregate demand
C. elastic demand
D. excess demand

236. Maintaining full employment stabilizing the economy and pursuing economic growth are issues analyzed in the context of_______________?
A. super economics
B. microeconomics
C. microeconomics
D. hyper economics

237. Firms sell their products in________________?
A. factor markets
B. resource markets
C. product markets
D. abstract markets

238. Participants in the market system________________?
A. are totally free to pursue their goals
B. are affected by prices and incomes
C. try to maximize their worth
D. try to maximize their labor

239. When the supply and demand curves intersect the final lasting price is achieved This is called_____________?
A. clearance price
B. equilibrium price
C. pressure price
D. a buyer’s market

240. Total “laissez-faire” is impossible because________________?
A. the market does not provide for satisfying public needs
B. the market is not equitable favoring those with more resources
C. the market makes no provision for protecting smaller participants
D. all of the above