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  • Post category:Computer

621. Which of the following function returns t If the object is a symbol m LISP?
A. (* <object>)
B. (symbolp <object>)
C. (nonnumeric <object>)
D. (constantp <object>)
E. None of the above

622. The symbols used in describing the syntax of a programming language are
A. 0
B. {}
C. “”
D. <>
E. None of the above

623. The integrated circuit was invented by Jack Kilby of:
B. Texas Instruments
C. Xerox
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

624. People overcome natural language problems by:
A. grouping attributes into frames
B. understanding ideas in context
C. identifying with familiar situations
D. both (b) and (c)
E. None of the above

625. The Cedar, BBN Butterfly, Cosmic Cube and Hypercube machine can be characterized as
E. None of the above

626. The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is
A. Operation code
B. Address
C. Locator
D. Flip-Flop
E. None of the above

627. Which of the following refers to the associative memory?
A. the address of the data is generated by the CPU
B. the address of the data is supplied by the users
C. there is no need for an address i.e. the data is used as an address
D. the data are accessed sequentially
E. None of the above

628. To avoid the race condition, the number of processes that may be simultaneously inside their critical section is
A. 8
B. 1
C. 16
D. 0
E. None of the above

629. A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form suitable for execution
A. assembler
B. linking loader
C. cross compiler
D. load and go
E. None of the above

630. Process is
A. program in High level language kept on disk
B. contents of main memory
C. a program in execution
D. a job in secondary memory
E. None of the above