1051. A construction team includes :

A. Owner
B. Engineer
C. Architect
D. Designer
E. Contractor
F. All of the above *

1052. The following people are accountable for the concept of any construction project:

A. Owner *
B. Engineer
C. Contractor
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

1053. An engineer works in the following fields:

A. Estimation
B. Tendering
C. The local authority’s approval of the construction plans
D. Contractor-completed work inspection and payment
E. All of the above *

1054. The contractor is responsible for :

A. Purchasing materials that the owner does not provide
B. Organizing and planning the work as per drawing
C. completing the work in accordance with the contract’s specifications
D. All of the above *

1055. A contractor is in charge of construction for large projects:

A. Correct *
B. Incorrect

1056. A construction project’s resources consist of:

A. The machinery and plant equipment needed for the project
B. Building materials like cement, bricks, steel, and so on
C. Skilled and unskilled manpower
D. All of the above *

1057. The main function of the construction management is :

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Directing
D. Controlling
E. Co-ordinating
F. All of the above *

1058. The proper planning ,design and execution of the work is called modular coordination :

A. Correct *
B. Incorrect

1059. The controlling function’s goals in construction work are:

A. Keeping a watch over the controlling function aim at
B. Controlling the quality of work
C. Keeping track of how much each piece of work costs.
D. Keeping tabs on how materials and machines are used
E. All of the above *

1060. A golden rule of procurement of construction stores is that :

A. A big part of the development stores ought to be working site and half under obtainment
B. Two-third of the development stores ought to be working site and 33% under obtainment *
C. One fourth of the construction stores should be under procurement and three quarters should be on the job site.
D. The entirety of the construction stores ought to be on the job site.