921. The assets protection is possible through –
A. Internal control
B. Internal check
C. Internal audit
D. All of the above

922. The internal audit is helpful to apply-
A. Division of labour
B. Integration of labour
C. Refinement of labour
D. Concentration of labour

923. The auditor can suggest the way and means to improve the-
A. Accounting performance
B. Auditing performance
C. Management performance
D. Business performance

924. The internal audit is used to protect accounting records from-
A. Errors
B. frauds
C. Both errors and frauds
D. None of the above

925 .The internal auditor can evaluate the result of-
A. Accountant
B. Employees
C. Management
D. All persons

926. The auditor can go through the internal audit report at the time of-
A. Starting audit work
B. Finishing audit work
C. Starting accounting work
D. Finishing accounting work

927. External auditor is responsible for-
A.Internal audit
B.External audit
C.Both internal as well as external audit
D.Mangement audit

928.Internal auditor is helpful to improve the performance of the-
A.Internal audit department
B.Statutory audit department
C.Accounting department

929. Internal audit improves performance of-
A.Accounts department
B.Audit department
C.Both account and audit department
D.Business and employees

930.Internal audit is used to check the proper use of-