301. _ is meeting the objectives set and achieving the intended results.
A. economy
B. efficiency
C. effectiveness
D. None of the above

302. Find the incorrect.
A. Effectiveness is essentially a goal-attainment concept.
B. When focusing on effectiveness, it is important to distinguish between the immediate outputs or products and the ultimate impacts or outcomes.
C. Outcomes will often be influenced by external factors and may require short-term rather than long term assessment.
D. Performance Audit assess and establish with evidence whether the observed direct or indirect social and economic impacts of a policy are due to the policy or to other causes.
E. Performance Audit assess whether the programme complements, duplicates, overlaps or counteracts other related programmes.

303. By imposing the question- ‘Are things being done in the right way?’, performance auditing is mainly concerned with aspects of-
A. economy
B. efficiency
C. effectiveness
D. A or B

304. By imposing the question- ‘Are the right things being done?’, performance auditing is mainly concerned with aspects of-
A. economy
B. efficiency
C. effectiveness
D. A or B

305. Which one is not correct?
A. The performance auditor needs to examine whether the means chosen represent the most or at least a reasonable economical use of public funds.
B. It questions the intentions and decisions of the legislature, but examines whether any shortcomings in the laws and regulations or their way of implementation have prevented the specified objectives from being achieved.
C. The performance auditor is not normally expected to provide an overall opinion on the achievement of economy, efficiency and effectiveness on the level of the audited entity in the same way as the opinion on financial statements.
D. Performance auditing is a means to an end and not an end by itself.
E. Performance audit should be aimed at adding value to the Management by way of reliable, objective and independent information, highlighting the shortcomings in programme planning, implementation, information systems affecting the outputs and outcome specifically and quality of expenditure or management generally.

306. Audit objectives could be-
A. descriptive (How are the things?)
B. normative (are things as they ought to be?)
C. analytical (why are things not as they ought to be?)
D. All of the above

307. Performance auditing generally follows one of three approaches-
A. system-oriented approach
B. result-oriented approach
C. problem-oriented approach
D. All of the above

308. What examines the proper functioning of management systems, e.g. financial management systems?
A. system-oriented approach
B. result-oriented approach
C. problem-oriented approach
D. All of the above

309. Which assesses whether outcome or output objectives have been achieved as intended or programmes and services are operating as intended?
A. system-oriented approach
B. result-oriented approach
C. problem-oriented approach
D. All of the above

310. Which examines, verifies and analyses the causes of particular problems or deviations from criteria?
A. system-oriented approach
B. result-oriented approach
C. problem-oriented approach
D. All of the above