1261. A chartered accountant sent circular letters soliciting work . Can he be held liable :

A. For misfeasance
B. For negligence
C. Criminally
D. For professional misconduct *

1262. Duty of Auditor is to :

A. Form an opinion *
B. Report
C. Examine books of accounts
D. Attend annual general meeting

1263. Auditors has right to :

A. Obtain information *
B. Give information
C. Prepare accounts
D. None of the above

1264. With whom does the auditor of a limited company have a contractual relationship ?

A. The company
B. The directors
C. Chief Executive
D. THe company and the shareholders *

1265. The auditor should plan to :

A. Conduct an effective audit *
B. Disclose fraud
C. Examine production/ manufacturing techniques
D. Issue unqualified report

1266. Audit plan is prepared :

A. Before the start of audit *
B. During audit
C. After audit
D. At any time

1267. Audit programme is a written document which includes :

A. Audit procedures to be carried out *
B. Relevant accounting ratio
C. Appointment confirmation of auditor
D. All of the above

1268. For planning auditor must have knowledge of clients business which can be obtained from :

A. Clients annual report
B. Previous year working papers
C. Trade journal and magazines
D. All of the above

1269. The international standards on auditing 4 planning observes that adequate audit planning helps to ensure that attention is directed to critical aspects of the audit what audit working paper will normally provide satisfactory evidence of this aspect of audit planning ?

A. Client’s timetable for accounts preparation
B. System flowcharts
C. The planning memorandum *
D. Points brought forward schedule

1270. Engagement letter is written by :

A. Director
B. Auditors *
C. Creditors
D. Chief executive