1291. In business concern, Cash balance is a very important element of its:

A. Financial condition *
B. Administrative condition
C. Managerial condition
D. Marketing condition

1292. The customer may deposit cash or cheque with the aid of a :

A. Bank statement
B. Pay-in-slip *
C. Pass book
D. Cash book

1293. A copy of the customer’s account in the bank’s leger is called :

A. Deposit statement
B. Balance statement
C. Bank statement *
D. Customer

1294. Disagreement in balances may arise owing to mistake or mistakes in the :

A. Cash book only
B. Bank statement
C. Cash book or bank statement *
D. Only the bank column in the cash book

1295. The statement which contains a complete and satisfactory explanation of the differences in balances as per cash book and bank statement is known as :

A. Bank statement
B. Cash statement
C. Balance statement
D. Bank reconciliation statement *

1296. Bank account is a :

A. Personal account
B. Real account *
C. Nominal account
D. None of the above

1297. A bank reconciliation statement is prepared by :

A. Banker
B. Accountant of the business *
C. Statutory auditors
D. Registrar

1298. When bank column of a cash book shows a credit balance .It means :

A. Cash Balance
B. Bank Balance
C. Under draft
D. Over draft *

1299. Bank reconciliation is not a :

A. Ledger account *
B. Memorandum statement
C. Reconcile records
D. Procedure to prove cash book balance

1300. Bank reconciliation statement is a part of :

A. Pass book
B. Ledger accounts
C. Journal
D. Cash book *